Cobb Early Voting Starts Today: Your Schools, Your Safety, and Your Hard-Earned Dollars are all on the Ballot

Cobb Early Voting Starts Tuesday October 15

Let’s get real about what’s at stake this November. We’re not just talking about the presidential election – though that’s absolutely critical. We’re talking about the future of Cobb County, your community, your schools, your safety, and your hard-earned dollars. Early voting starts Tuesday, October 15th and this is your chance to send a message, not only to Washington but to those running things right here at home.

At the top of the ticket, you’ve got a clear choice: the return of President Donald Trump or four more years of Kamala Harris. This isn’t just a national issue; the consequences of this decision will ripple through every corner of the world. But don’t forget the local races. Local elections often get overlooked, but they matter just as much. Who leads Cobb County? Who keeps your neighborhoods safe? Who runs our schools? Who controls our elections? These decisions shape our day-to-day lives, and if you don’t like the direction we’re headed, it’s time to vote for candidates who will stand up for our values.

Let’s start with the Cobb County Commission. Lisa Cupid, has presided over rising taxes on multiple fronts (property, water, transportation/M-SPLOST), an unconstitutional remapping of voter districts, and an agenda that looks more like Atlanta’s Fulton County, than the Cobb County we know. It’s time for a change. Challenger Kay Morgan offers a path back to common sense – lower taxes, safer neighborhoods, and a government that works for us, not against us.

Democrat Lisa Cupid
Republican Kay Morgan

Then there’s the Superior Court Clerk race. Connie Taylor has already shown she’s incapable of running her office. This is the same clerk who’s been under criminal investigation by the GBI since 2022. It’s a disaster, and it’s hurting everyone who relies on the court system. We need Deborah Dance, the former Attorney for Cobb County, who can bring order, integrity, and accountability back to this office.

Connie Taylor
Democrat Connie Taylor
Deborah Dance Candidate for Cobb County Clerk Of Superior Court
Republican Deborah Dance

Don’t overlook the sheriff’s race either. David Cavender, is challenging Craig Owens. Owens, recently went viral in a video exposing his abuse of office by calling in Sheriff deputies to intimidate fast food workers at a Mableton Burger King over a food order. Cavender stands for law and order, ensuring that our communities remain safe, while Owens’ agenda for Cobb to be a sanctuary county for illegal immigrants, represents more of the soft-on-crime approach we’ve seen fail in communities time and time again.

David Cavender
Republican David Cavender
Craig Owens
Democrat Craig Owens

In another crucial race, Diane Jackson is up against radical Democrat Socialist Gabriel Sanchez, a “Stop Cop City” activist in Smyrna’s House District 42. Sanchez’s platform aligns with anti-police movements that threaten the very safety of our neighborhoods and his socialist agenda of “free everything for everyone except you the taxpayer” shows that this 27 year old has some growing up to do. Cobb County deserves better than extreme radical left-wing socialist policies that undermine, public safety and our state’s economy. Diane Jackson will bring common sense and strong leadership to the table, protecting Cobb from these dangerous ideologies.

Diane Jackson
Republican Diane Jackson
Gabriel Sanchez
Democrat Socialist Gabriel Sanchez

But it doesn’t stop there. Four critical seats are up on the Cobb Board of Education. Your children’s future is on the line. Do we want to turn over control of our schools to California funded far-left activists pushing radical agendas, or do we want to ensure our kids get the education they deserve? Randy Scamihorn, Brad Wheeler, and John Cristadoro will protect our schools from those who want to inject politics into the classroom. These races will decide who controls Cobb’s education system. The stakes couldn’t be higher.

Randy Scamihorn
Republican Randy Scamihorn
Brad Wheeler Candidate for Cobb School Board Post 7
Republican Brad Wheeler
John Cristadoro
Republican John Cristadoro
Vickie Benson
Democrat Dr. Vickie Benson
Andrew Cole
Democrat Andrew Cole
Laura Judge
Democrat Laura Judge

And then, at the bottom of the ballot, there’s the Lisa Cupid sponsored tax proposal that should make every taxpayer in Cobb County think twice – the M-SPLOST, a 30-year, 1% sales tax to further subsidize Cobb’s failing public transit system. They’re asking for $11 billion to build over 100 miles of rapid bus routes, new transit centers, and a so-called “microtransit” service. It’s the kind of bureaucratic boondoggle we’ve seen before, and guess who’s going to foot the bill? You are, and it’s going to cost you big. Cobb County needs a transit solution that works for all citizens, but this isn’t it. We need better solutions from new county leadership that will prioritize our resources and actually address our transportation needs and not rely on consultants whose goal is paving their wallets with our money.

The bottom line is this: Cobb County needs strong leadership now more than ever. Vote for candidates who will protect our schools, restore accountability in government, uphold law and order, and stand up for your values. And when you see the M-SPLOST on the ballot, vote No.

Remember, this isn’t just about who sits in the White House – it’s about who governs your community, your schools, your safety, and your future. Vote on November 5 and let’s take Cobb County back.

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