Waiting on Helene: The Quiet before the Storm

By: L. Cramer

For the first time since 1995, our area will experience a hurricane. As you know, we usually see tropical storms or bands of tropical storms but very rarely do we ever have a rated hurricane. I remember when Opal made her way into town and with it she brought power outages and pure chaos.

How fitting, don’t you think? That we stand on the cusp of a potential record breaking storm where we will likely see flooding, extreme winds and absolute destruction with our own eyes in real time in 2024. This is the same year where we’ve seen two assassination attempts on a presidential candidate and countless scandals, including the mayor of New York having federal charges brought against him.

Perhaps this journalist is feeling sentimental or reflective but I remember a time when your party affiliation didn’t matter and being a good person who cared about their neighbors was the most important part of someone’s character. Now, we judge fellow humans by their political leanings, ideologies and who they will support in the presidential election.

No doubt we have people in Cobb County who will be negatively affected by this monster of a storm; people who may be voting for Harris and people who may be voting for Trump. My question to you is: will that matter?

The answer is simple: no, it won’t.

Your yard signs will blow away and your flags will tear to pieces as hurricane force winds rip through our state. What will matter is the humanity we show to one another in what will likely be a dangerous situation.

This election year has been hard; even I am guilty of the jabs I take at the expense of the crazy lefties who make no sense to me. But I would never turn my back on another human being in an emergency and neither will any of you.

There is something about a natural disaster that brings humanity together; neighbor helping neighbor, black helping white, young helping old and everyone doing for each other regardless of their political leanings.

As Helene reaches our area and we all no doubt hunker down for what will likely be a long night, I ask that you say a prayer for your neighbors; even the ones you don’t like. Because no matter the political temperature, no one deserves all hell breaking loose upon them as others watch from a distance.

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