Latest Cobb County Election Board Meeting – Critical Election Integrity under Fire

Cobb County Board of Elections

By: L. Cramer

It was a typical Cobb County Board of Elections meeting on Monday, other than the larger than normal crowd of people that assembled. As usual, the members of the board had, what looks to me, like a plan to limit public comment and subvert the will of the people. 

Let’s not forget that Vice Chair Jennifer Mosbacher continues her refusal to stand or recite the pledge of allegiance with everyone else.

Jennifer Mosbacher Cobb Board Of Elections Vice Chair refuses to stand or recite pledge allegiance.

After the board dismissed all of Eugene Williams’ challenges to the voter rolls at the beginning of the month, it seems as though the board is going full steam ahead with complete and utter dereliction of duty by ignoring any possibility that there are any issues at all. 

Just a reminder to our readers, Georgia Code 21 2-228, states: 

The board of registrars of each county or municipality shall have the right and shall be charged with the duty of examining from time to time the qualifications of each elector of the county or municipality whose name is entered upon the list of electors and shall not be limited or estopped by any action previously taken.

Given the gross misunderstanding among Cobb, and indeed Georgia, residents of what is required by the appointed members of the Board of Elections, I’ve decided that in every instance that Cobb Voice writes about it, the code will be included.

Jennifer Mosbacher-Cobb Board Of Elections Vice Chair
Jennifer Mosbacher- Cobb Board Of Elections Vice Chair

As the meeting began, Chairwoman Tori Silas looked over at Vice Chair Mosbacher and asked if there was a motion – to which the vice chair quickly remembered that she was supposed to move to limit public comment from 5 minutes to 3 minutes. Whoops, I guess the pre-game huddle didn’t quite sink in. 

During public comment, Cobb County Republican Party Chairwoman, Salleigh Grubbs, addressed the board members reminding them that it is their job to clean voter rolls and that the discussion around charging Cobb residents for voter challenges is as bad as Superior Court Clerk Connie Taylor collecting $425,000 in passport fees and keeping it all for herself. “Cobb county citizens are sick and tired of someone getting in their pocketbook all the time,” Grubbs said. The board voted in favor of a new rule change to charge residents for challenges 4-1.

Salleigh Grubbs- Cobb County Republican Party Chairwoman
Salleigh Grubbs Cobb County Republican Party Chairwoman

As we get closer to November, there is a large scale attack against voter roll cleanup including recent CNN coverage where they interviewed a man who claims he has been wrongfully challenged and a USA Today article that interviewed a woman in Fulton County who claims she had a challenge against her as well.

However, Mark Davis, president of Data Productions, Inc., did some digging into this story and found absolutely zero record of the Fulton County woman’s claim that she was challenged and blocked from voting. Davis’ article in the Federalist outlines, in great detail, how the Fulton County Registration Manager looked into the issue and found – you guessed it – nothing.

Opposition to voter roll cleanup claims that it is “racist” and “bigoted” because, I guess there are no other words that the lefty lexicon has, and that any effort to clean voter rolls is to keep underprivileged people from somehow accessing the voter booth; even though, in the state of Georgia, voter roll cleanup is required by law, as stated above.

It’s odd how all of a sudden the mainstream media is once again spouting the same talking points at the same time – have we forgotten the Kamala Harris “border czar” rewrite of history? 

The real intention, in my opinion, on the synchronized demonization of voter roll cleanup comes from a little known bill that has already passed the House and sits in the Senate called the Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility, or the SAVE, Act. S4292 has been denounced by nearly every Democrat, and even Biden himself has sworn to veto the bill if it passes. This bill would ensure that only citizens vote by requiring proof of citizenship before voter registration; it just makes sense.

Currently, of the illegal immigrant population in the United States, between 10-27% are registered to vote according to a recent study.

What baffles me is the strong campaign against securing the election. Now that conservatives have found legitimate places in which our registration and voting procedures need fixed, the liberal left vilifies anyone who dares to question the integrity of our elections.

It’s no different at our nation’s capital, and it’s clearly no different at the Cobb County Election Board.

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