Court Packing is bad, and I will Prove it

Supreme Court

By: L. Cramer

On Monday, President Biden wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post where he laid out his recommendations on how he feels the Supreme Court, one of the pivotal branches of government, should be reformed in order to better serve the Democrats – I mean – the American people.

Isn’t it funny how one independent branch of government is trying to tell another independent branch of government what to do; which is totally why our founding fathers separated them from one another – right?

In his piece, Joe Biden uses words like “extreme” and “dangerous”, which are some of the favorite buzzwords of the left, when describing recent Supreme Court decisions that fly in the face of liberal ideologies. But don’t worry, because Biden has spent 36 years as a Senator, so he’s “qualified” to tell the Supreme Court, and the American people, what to do.

Let’s not play paddy cake here; this is a blatant attempt from the sitting president of the United States to create doubt, disillusionment and a general lack of confidence in our highest court of the land. Why would the leader of the free world do such a thing? Oh, I don’t know, perhaps to soften the narrative around court packing.

Why, yes, the radical left wants to add four more justices to our Supreme Court to “make it fair” which is code for “take over America with lefty insanity”. But don’t worry, because once the liberal left gets what they want they will be satisfied – because history has proven that to be true with things like gay marriage and what not.

Do you know which other country had intense Supreme Court reform? If you didn’t guess Venezuela, then you’re not paying attention. Yes, Hugo Chavez in his infinite wisdom, decided to increase their court justices from 20 to 32 during his reign as dictator-in-chief. Since then, around 45,000 cases have been presented to Venezuela’s highest court and, wouldn’t you know it, every case was ruled in favor of the government. And now, Nicolás Maduro is following in the same footsteps as he’s stolen another election from the people of Venezuela which has resulted in rioting in the streets.

Why does it matter what’s happening in Venezuela? Well, Supreme Court reform was the beginning of the end. 

Here in America, we haven’t had a sitting president try to reform the court since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1937. President Roosevelt championed his “New Deal” however the Supreme Court, whose job is to make sure that Presidents and Congress don’t step all over the constitution, wasn’t on board with it. As a result, FDR wanted to increase the number of justices to 15 in the name of “efficiency”. The American people weren’t too keen on the idea, and ultimately it failed because a number of justices gave in to FDR’s pressure and supported the “New Deal”. 

Does any of this sound familiar?

Back to Biden’s suggestions; number one is creating a constitutional amendment to ensure that “no one is above the law” not ever Hunter – I mean – Donald J.Trump! I don’t know why I keep doing that… “anyway”…

Second, he suggests that Supreme Court Justices have term limits; and he uses the fact that presidents do as his reasoning – however, for some reason, term limiting Congress is out of the question. 

Third, and finally, he calls for a “binding” code of ethics in which the justices must be held accountable and he calls it “common sense” which is ironic.

Now, on the surface all of these ideas may seem good but if we remember Venezuela and FDR, this is simply a pig with lipstick. The ethics complaints against Clarence Thomas, which is what Biden is eluding to, were settled in 2012 when the Judicial Conference of the United States, which is comprised of federal judges and charged by law with implementing and enforcing the ethics law for the federal judiciary, ruled that no ethical violations were broken by Justice Thomas. 

Bet you didn’t know that! 

This entire exercise is an attempt by crying, whining, petulant children to get their way or else. Every complaint ever lodged against Clarence Thomas since 1991 has been refuted and rebutted. If I had more space, I could prove to you how the left calls for conservative justices to recuse, while praising people like Judge Stephen Reinhardt of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit for not recusing when his wife at the time brought a case to his bench.

Fact of the matter is this: the Democrats want to pack the court because they do not want opposition against their goal of crushing and stamping out Christianity, conservative values, and American independence.

There is still hope, because a little known amendment called Keep 9 is floating around Congress with more than 200 advocates and it could mean the end of court packing as we know it and silence this ridiculous onslaught against conservatism for, well, a small amount of time until they start attacking from another direction.

They really are relentless.

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