Do Democrat Voters Have a Voice Anymore: a Conservative Take on the New Nominee

By: L. Cramer

It seems that despite Joe Biden receiving 14 million votes in the primary that the Democrat Party is subverting the will of their voters by forcing Biden to step down and shoving Kamala Harris down everyone’s throat.

To be fair, we will never know if the presidential primary would have turned out differently if Harris and Biden ran head to head – which would have been an entertaining match up – but it also seems as though the Democrat Party is essentially telling their voter base that “you’ll accept and vote for anyone we tell you to” which is ironically the same kind of blind obedience they say “MAGA Republicans” have for Trump.

I will be entirely honest, it has taken me a few days to process the fact that we went from one presidential race to an entirely different one just 6-7 weeks before the very first early voting polls open in the country (yes, there are states who will open early voting in September). So there I was, in my kitchen making tomato sauce when the news drops and suddenly the whole 2024 political landscape changed. I was shocked, to say the least.

Since this ole’ switcher-oo, there has been no end of endorsements in favor of Kamala – which is a real shift from the entire Democratic Party, and celebrities, forcing – I mean, kindly telling Biden to step down because of his nonexistent but totally existent cognitive decline that suddenly, and without warning, became prevalent only in the last several weeks. 

But, there is one endorsement that Kamala did not receive and it’s quite shocking:

Black Lives Matter is not playing ball and is actually calling foul on the Democrat Party for essentially undermining the will of the people. And – I can’t believe I’m saying this – they are 100% correct! No voter should have any politician simply assume a nomination without hearing from the people. I mean, for crying out loud, all the Democrats have been doing is scream that Trump is going to “end democracy” but they just performed what looks, from the outside, like a coup against their presumptive nominee and now they expect their voters to just fall in line? And what’s worse? Voters are applauding the move and cheering on Kamala Harris. 

I cannot say I would be as forgiving about such a gross violation of my voter rights. But what does a conservative know about voter rights? I obviously need a liberal to explain it to me on social media using all caps or something.

Black Lives Matter and I are not alone in this thought process. Former Presidential Democrat Candidate Marianne Williams has called for an open convention and one of her posts on X makes me question the legitimacy of Kamala’s candidacy because she has not followed the rules to register:

Now, I’m no political science major but it would seem to me that Kamala has not met all the criteria to run for president. Does the DNC assume she doesn’t have to because she would have been the VP on the ticket?

In any case, the DNC will hold a virtual convention to secure Kamala’s nomination prior to the actual convention. I have heard that this virtual call was approved in May to nominate Biden and to meet state deadlines for ballot printing. But now the tides have shifted and they are still leaning headlong into the plan without consulting voters – even if it looks sketchy.

You may be asking “why do you care about the Democrat voters?” Because we are all Americans, and if injustice is perpetrated on one, it’s perpetrated on us all. 

However, I also know that you can’t lead a horse to water and make them drink it.

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